International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

British Empire Researcher – Legacy Tree Genealogists

A Message from Legacy Tree Genealogists:

Are you wanting to put your research skills to work?
Have you started your genealogical research business?
This may be the opportunity you have been hoping for!

Come work with us! Legacy Tree Genealogists is currently looking to hire an Advanced British Empire Researcher – think England, Ireland, and Australia, or Canada, or Jamaica. This is a work-from-home position, full- or part-time, and starts August 17th.

Learn more about their career opportunities and how you can join their team at

Legacy Tree Genealogists has been recognized as the Small Business Administration Woman-owned Business of the Year, and as one of the Utah100 Fastest Growing companies. And we recognize that our success is largely due to our greatest asset–our employees.

As a company we cultivate an atmosphere of support centered around our company values of CARE—Cooperation, Accuracy, Respect and Efficiency.

At Legacy Tree, we CARE for our clients, and we also CARE for our employees.

At the bottom of the page, you will find which positions they are currently seeking. You also have the option to subscribe to notifications for future genealogy positions by completing the digital submission form. 

For more information, visit the Legacy Tree Genealogists Blog: 


DNA: Methodology & Analysis

The National Institute for Genealogical Studies is pleased to announce the launch of our newest online course.


DNA: Methodology & Analysis
This course covers advanced techniques associated with DNA methodology, analysis and strategies. Students should have a firm grasp of the understanding of autosomal, Y-chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA.

More information from the course description:
While advances in DNA testing are exciting and useful, there are real limitations. DNA does not hold all of the answers for everyone. Nevertheless, it plays an important role for many who are searching for family, or those simply hoping to learn more about themselves and their genetics. In some cases, DNA testing has helped people discover unknown medical risks, which is invaluable in situations where little or no family health history is available.
When incorporating DNA into a genealogical search, the chances of success depend on a variety of factors. At a basic level, people biologically related to you will have to take a DNA test and share the results on the same service or platform you choose to test. After that you will need to use the tools available for DNA analysis allowing you to understand the results to their fullest.

Each DNA testing company provides its own set of tools you can use for making sense of your DNA matches, and these tools change over time. Some are extensive, some may seem overly simplistic, and some seem like they are the same from one company to the next but have small differences that can make a difference to a search. This course will help you determine what tools are best for you and when to use them.


DNA: Introduction to Genetic Genealogy covers the basics of DNA and genetic inheritance and is a comprehensive introduction to the three main test types: mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), Y chromosome DNA (YDNA), and autosomal DNA (atDNA). Explore how they relate to genealogy.

DNA: Autosomal DNA – Testing for Everyone examines what Autosomal or Admixture DNA (atDNA) is, how it is passed down, and what a genetic genealogy test will tell you. Discover how atDNA is a wonderful tool for unlocking your hidden past when combined with traditional paper genealogy.

DNA: Tracing Maternal & Paternal Lines focuses on two types of DNA testing for genealogy: Y-Chromosome DNA (yDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing. Discover how to read and interrupt your testing results.


DNA: Special Circumstances – Adoptees & Unknown Parentage
This research course explores how to use genealogy and genetics to uncover genealogical roots, connect with biological family, and better understand medical history. The emphasis will be on adoptees and those helping adoptees with their DNA and genealogy.


The National Institute for Genealogical Studies DNA Research packages include courses relevant to understanding DNA and how it can be used in genealogical research. The first DNA Package includes the four DNA courses listed above. The second DNA package includes the above courses, plus the four DNA courses listed below.

DNA: Understanding Testing and Research Strategies (4 course package)
DNA and Relevant Topics (8 course package)


Forensic Genealogy is a fast-growing field dealing with the genealogical research that might have legal implications. This course is designed to help forensic researchers identify and contact living people. Students will learn some of the basic skills necessary to get started and investigate specific career subsets in forensic work.

Genealogy Ethical Guidelines & Standards examines various situations all researchers may encounter, exploring ethical considerations faced when sharing genealogy research. Whether you are a hobby genealogist, society member, serious researcher, or a professional genealogist, ethics affect your work and require the adherence to the standards of a Code of Ethics to make diverse ethical decisions.

Organizing a ONE NAME STUDY examines the art of researching a specific SURNAME. Course material will elaborate on the many different elements you should consider as you begin. Organizing your research, searching for primary sources around the world, analysing the data you acquire, publicising, publishing and preserving your work are topics to be thoroughly discussed along with tips and techniques in the field of One Name Studies.

Organizing a ONE PLACE STUDY studies the people in a community within the context of the place they live. A One Place Study brings family and local history together, reconstructing the community to gain insights into the lives of the people who have walked the streets, ploughed the fields, worked and worshipped in a place. Discover the sources of information available to researchers, how to access them and the fascinating details which can be uncovered.
Visit our website for a complete list of online courses offered by The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. Check our Course Calendar here.
Follow us on Social Media: BlogFacebookTwitter, Pinterest.
*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but NOT 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly.

Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165


Happy Mothers’ Day

It is time once again to honour our Mother and celebrate her special day. This has been a North American tradition since the early 1900s. Where would we be without Mom?


Tracing the women in our family tree may be relatively easy now, but the farther back we go, the more challenging it is to find their day-to-day activities being recorded. The valued records that were preserved tend to be about the legal issues within the family rather than the social aspects of their daily routines. Yet, her role was so important.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Daughters

Our female ancestors not only played significant roles in our lives; they played their part in historical events as well. Researching at times can be a challenge, but we need to ensure that we persevere and tell their stories. Their voice must be heard.

Start with home resources, family heirlooms, and treasured mementoes connected to milestone events. Such items remind us of the connections we have to the past generations, and they provide great clues to pursue in our research. What were her interests? Did she belong to a volunteer organization? What were her accomplishments?

If you have hit a brick wall in the quest to find information about your female ancestors, consider registering for our Research: Grandmothers, Mothers & Daughters – Tracing Women course, which is just one of the online genealogy courses from The National Institute for Genealogical Studies.


This course is designed to guide you through the process of researching your family’s history by covering strategies and key sources you will need to access in order to overcome common challenges when tracing female ancestors. It will show you how to document “her” story and reveal the often-hidden aspects of their lives.

The Research: Grandmothers, Mothers & Daughters – Tracing Women course draws our attention to the material covered in this course. Check out course highlights in the following blog posts:

Part 1: Researching HER Story
Part 2: What’s in a Name?
Part 3: Digging Deeper into HER Story
Part 4: Timelines for the Ladies in our Tree

Check the Course Calendar schedule below to find the next start date and register today!

Visit our website for a complete list of online courses offered by The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. Check our Course Calendar here.
Follow us on Social Media: BlogFacebookTwitter, Pinterest.
*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but NOT 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly.

Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165


Understanding Latin in Italian Records

Every country-specific certificate program at The National Institute for Genealogical Studies includes courses for Religious Records. In many cases, the religious beliefs of our ancestors became a vital part of their family story. We explore the records of baptisms, marriages and burials, along with other religious ceremonies relating to their beliefs and customs, to discover information not found in the civil records.

In the course Italian: Catholic Church Records-Part 1, we will examine these records, but one of the first challenges may be language. A useful resource is the Italian Genealogical Word List for translating Italian to English. However, Latin may be a bigger challenge. Here are some tips.

A Lesson in Latin: Understanding the Italian Records

Latin is an inflected language in which all verbs are conjugated, and all the nouns and adjectives use different cases. This means that words have different endings according to the function they play in a sentence, so it really does not matter in what order the words in a sentence are presented. This is different than the English language.

Names and words can be seen in the normative, genitive, ablative, and accusative forms. These are defined as:

  • “Nominative (nominativus): Subject of the sentence.
  • Genitive (genitivus): Generally translated by the English possessive, or by the objective with the preposition of.
  • Accusative (accusativus): Direct object of the verb and object with many prepositions.
  • Ablative (ablativus): Used to show means, manner, place, and other circumstances. Usually translated by the objective with the prepositions “from, by, with, in, at.””[1]

Some examples include:

Nominative Genitive (of) ex + Ablative (from) Accusative Italian
Antoni-us Antoni-i ex Antoni-o Antoni-um Antonio
Joseph-us Joseph-i ex Joseph-o Joseph-um Giuseppe
Anna-a Ann-ae ex Ann-a Ann-am Anna
Joann-es Joann-is ex Joan-e Joann-em Giovanni

Recurrent words have different endings:

Nominative Genitive Accusative English
Fili-us Fili-i Fili-um Son
Fili-a Fili-ae Fili-am Daughter
Infans Infant-is Infant-em Infant

Months are often abbreviated:

English Latin Abbreviation(s)
September septembris 7ber, 7bris, VIIber, VIIbris
October octobris 8ber, 8bris, VIIIber, VIIIbris
November Novembris 9ber, 9bris, IXber, IXbris
December Decembris 10ber, 10bris, Xber, Xbris

Are you researching your Italian Catholic ancestors? Our course Italian: Catholic Church Records-Part 1 can help you to discover part of their stories through the records they left behind. Check the Course Calendar for the next time this course will be offered.

[1] “The 6 Cases of Latin Nouns,” ThoughtCo. ( : accessed 16 September 2019).

Visit our website for a complete list of online courses offered by The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. Check our Course Calendar here.
Follow us on Social Media: BlogFacebookTwitter, Pinterest.
*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but NOT 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly.

Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165



Christmas Time

As December is winding down, and we are preparing for the holidays in unique and special ways, it is a time to reflect on which traditions we will be celebrating this year. Childhood memories are merged with current memories being created around the world – the old and the new unite. As family historians, we love to gather the stories of Christmas past. It truly is a time to reminisce and share family memories with our kinfolk over vintage photo albums and traditional meals. Don’t forget to record the stories! … and also, the special moments of this unique holiday season.

The National Institute for Genealogical Studies appreciates the opportunities you have given us to be a part of your genealogical education journey as you work to refine your research skills. Through our various online courses, we have endeavoured to support the needs of both amateur family historians and aspiring professional genealogists with reliable and comprehensive education, providing instruction in general methodology, specialized research topics, and so much more. We will continue to offer valuable skill-building opportunities in the coming year.

Our family stories originate from so many unique backgrounds. Our heritage is truly woven from those threads – being combined through the centuries to form our own distinctive family history. Their stories become our inheritance – they are in our DNA. Gather those stories. Document the facts of the historical events that your ancestors participated in. History comes alive when we see our very own family members. Record their experiences and write about the legacy they have left for us to uncover.

How did they celebrate the holidays? What traditions did they bring from the old country? Which of those traditions are still observed each year? What new customs were adopted as family ethnicities were blended? Our holiday foundations originate somewhere – do you know the story? Make it your goal in this next year to discover the origins AND to document it.

The list of National Institute courses is sure to feature one or more courses to help you to explore the lives of your ancestors. Here are a few suggestions:
Discover Your Family History
Life of Our Ancestors
Demystifying Culture & Folklore
Research: Social History
Writing Your Family History Book
Writing the Genealogist’s Memoir 

This past year has certainly presented its challenges and unique opportunities. As we close out this holiday season, take time to reflect on what can be added to your own family history, and what you want to pursue in the next year. Make new memories as you retell your family’s stories to the next generation.

Visit our website for a complete list of online courses offered by The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. Check our Course Calendar here.
Follow us on Social Media: BlogFacebookTwitter, Pinterest.
*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but NOT 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly.

Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165