We have a couple of student presentations coming up. We hope you can join us to show your support!

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The National Institute for Genealogical Studies course, Lecturing Skills Including Preparation, teaches the skills needed to present genealogical-related lectures. It is a “hands on” course where the student presents a lecture via our Virtual Learning Room. We invite you to participate and hear your fellow student. This is a 30-minute lecture, followed by a 10-minute Question & Answer period and a short poll to provide the student with feedback on their skills. Please come and support your fellow students!
Join us on Thursday, February 28th at 7:00 PM EST when Victor Corrales presents “Hispanic Naming Conventions”.
Presenter: Victor Corrales is a genealogist with more than 25 years of experience in South America and Spain. He is a member of OGS, Hispagen, and UGA.
Presentation Description: An introduction to the naming conventions in Spain and Hispanic America. Learn about the origin of surnames, the double surname system and challenges in the immigration records to North America.
Time zones:
Wednesday, November 8th – 7:00 PM Eastern; 6:00 PM Central; 4:00 PM Pacific;
Thursday, November 9th – midnight in London, England; 11:00 AM in Sydney, Australia
MEETING LOCATION: http://genealogicalstudies.adobeconnect.com/lecturing/
(NOTE: No user name or password required. Please type in your first and last name; then click “Enter as a Guest”.)
Join us Thursday, March 7th at 5:00 PM EST when Brian Maclachlan presents “My journey researching ancestors”.
Presenter: Brian Maclachlan is a qualified genealogist, retired statistician, lecturer and member of the Society of Australian Genealogists wanting to help others with their genealogical research.
Presentation Description: My presentation covers my ten year unfinished journey researching my ancestors addressing why I started, use of Ancestry.com.au, how Genealogy studies assisted, DNA tests and plans for the future.
Time zones:
Thursday, March 7th – 5:00 PM Eastern; 4:00 PM Central; 2:00 PM Pacific; 10:00 PM in London, England;
Friday, March 8th – 9:00 AM in Sydney, Australia
MEETING LOCATION: http://genealogicalstudies.adobeconnect.com/lecturing/
(NOTE: No user name or password required. Please type in your first and last name; then click “Enter as a Guest”.)
Join us Wednesday, March 20th at 2:00 PM EDT when Sherri Dowdle presents “Remember the Time…Recording the stories that frame your life”.
Presenter: Sherri Dowdle is a genealogy enthusiast specializing in capturing life stories, climbing family trees and motivating others to do the same.
Presentation Description: Everyone has stories that circulate through their family; funny, tragic and inspirational. These tales frame our lives. Be inspired to discover, record and share your family stories with future generations.
Time zones:
Wednesday, March 20th – 2:00 PM Eastern; 1:00 PM Central; 11:00 AM Pacific; 6:00 PM in London, England;
Thursday, March 21st – 5:00 AM in Sydney, Australia
MEETING LOCATION: http://genealogicalstudies.adobeconnect.com/lecturing/
(NOTE: No user name or password required. Please type in your first and last name; then click “Enter as a Guest”.)
We would like to thank Kathy Holland for hosting these student presentations.
Remember, to join a Virtual Meeting … anyone can participate. Hope to see you there!
To enter the Virtual Learning Room for a session you would like to attend, please click on the Location link or enter the Location URL into your browser. (No user name or password required; “Enter as a Guest”)
NOTE: Please sign in with your first AND last names when joining a Virtual Meeting. This will help everyone differentiate between individuals with the same name. (No user name or password required. Please type in your first and last name; then click “Enter as a Guest”.)