Marketing Management
Constantly be on the lookout for great marketing strategies, even if the businesses are not within the realm of genealogy. Some of the major elements of marketing are:
- Promotion/Displays
- Public Relations
- Pricing
- Newsletters/Surveys
- Advertising
- Networking
- Social Media
Hopefully, your business plan includes a marketing plan. But that is just a start. As time goes on, it is important to re-evaluate your marketing strategies as part of your overall strategic planning process. Depending on what sort of major business strategy you are planning, you may have to revise your marketing efforts. You may decide as part of your strategic plan for the next five years to focus on a different target market than you had before. You may decide to narrow down your target market on owners of family business.

Whenever you initiate a marketing strategy, set up a document that describes the ad, event, promotion-whatever it is- along with what it cost you. Then add to your document any results that you experience from this effort.
In the course, “Business Skills: Business Administration” you will discover ways of managing the process of turning a prospect into a client while evaluating the success of your marketing management.