Student Lecture, His Name Was What? A Case Study by Jessica Burleson. Come join us June 12th at 5 PM Eastern
Tag Archives: Genealogy Research
From the Desk of Our Director of Irish Studies
Claire Bradley is a professional genealogist based in Dublin, Ireland. She holds a Certificate in Family History from University College Dublin and an MA in the History of the Family from the University of Limerick.
May Courses 2023
The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers many courses, giving us the opportunity to learn the research methodology necessary to document and preserve our family stories.
February Courses
We offer quality online education with over 225+ courses to choose from. Some of our courses are topic/country-specific, or provide insight into research methodology, while others are skill-building courses to maximize your research time.
MyHeritage Discount Offer Reminder
My Heritage Discout Offer!