International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

What’s New? Update to Analysis and Skills Mentoring 2

Spiral Notebook with pen by adamr/Courtesy of

Spiral Notebook with pen by adamr/Courtesy of

Analysis and Skills Mentoring – Part 2 has been updated and is better than ever. Part of the Analysis and Skills Mentoring Program, Analysis & Skills Mentoring -Part 2 is a continuation of the teaching, testing and consulting found in Part 1.

What’s new? The addition of Mastering Genealogical Proof, by Thomas W. Jones as required reading as well as other assignment additions.

The Analysis and Skills Mentoring Program has been designed to promote the quality of the work that every family historian and genealogist should strive to achieve. The course’s assignments are  reviewed by an instructor. Feedback is provided during two individual consultation appointments. Discussing the completed assignments and receiving advice regarding the appropriateness and quality of  assignment answers is an integral part of this practical program.

To learn more about this course, please see our website.

Updated: Analysis and Skills Mentoring, Part 1

Looking to get serious about your genealogical research?

Female Writing On Notebook  by adamr/Courtesy of

Female Writing On Notebook by adamr/Courtesy of

The Analysis & Skills Mentoring Program has been designed to promote the quality of the work that every family historian and genealogist should strive to achieve.

Analysis and Skills Mentoring, Part 1  allows you to implement the training you have received throughout your Basic Level courses. Enriching your researching skills, this program provides practice to improve your problem solving capabilities.

Analysis and Skills Mentoring, part 1 is one of three courses offered by the National Institute for Genealogical Studies that includes consultation appointments with an instructor and in-depth analysis of a peer-reviewed journal article. Recently updated, topics covered in the course include the Genealogical Proof Standard and  evidence analysis.

Learn more about Analysis and Skills Mentoring, Part 1  by visiting our website.