Are you looking forward to starting a New Career in 2024?
DNA and Genetic Genealogy has countless career opportunities!
Kristina Moffett, a recent graduate of our DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate Program, found her dream job working remotely as a Genetic Genealogist repatriating fallen soldiers. Kristina shared her inspirational story in an interview with Executive Director, Angela Breidenbach.
Kristina’s passion for genealogy and her newfound career shine throughout the interview. She talks about how she found her dream job shortly after receiving her certificate and gives the viewer information on how to get started in the field. She also speaks about some of the various career opportunities that are available.
Get started on your NEW CAREER in DNA and Genetic Genealogy Today!
Take advantage of our limited-time special! Register for 10 courses in our DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate program and receive the course, Forensic Genealogy, FREE!
Register Today!
DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate
Use coupon code: FreeDNAClass to receive Forensic Genealogy
A second career as a Professional Genealogist is a click away! The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers many certificate programs to get you on your way!
The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses covers specific countries, enhances methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose.
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Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165
Start Your Career as a Professional Genealogist!