Our students are enthusiastic about our online genealogical courses. However, many new students are unsure of where to begin. Which courses should they take first? Just as in planning to build a house, your genealogy education plan must begin with the foundation. Whether you are just beginning to research your family history, or you are an experienced researcher, it is recommended for all students to begin with understanding the methodology guidelines and standards used in all genealogy research. This is accomplished through our Methodology Courses.
If you are considering our DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate – 15 Courses, you must successfully complete the 12 courses below, plus the Methodology Parts 1-3 courses. Our DNA and Genetic Genealogy – 12 Courses package includes 3 compulsory courses at the Basic Level, 3 compulsory courses at the Intermediate Level, and 6 compulsory courses at the Advanced Level.

DNA and Genetic Genealogy – 12 Courses
Basic Level
DNA: Introduction to Genetic Genealogy
This course is a comprehensive introduction to genetic genealogy. The basics of DNA and genetic inheritance are explained in detail. The three main test types, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), Y chromosome DNA (YDNA), and autosomal DNA (atDNA) are explored as they relate to genealogy.
DNA: Autosomal DNA – Testing for Everyone
This course examines what atDNA is, how it is passed down to you, and what a genetic genealogy test will tell you. You will discover that atDNA is a wonderful tool for unlocking your hidden past when combined with traditional paper genealogy.
DNA: Tracing Maternal & Paternal Lines
This course focuses on two types of DNA testing for genealogy: Y-Chromosome DNA (yDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing.
Intermediate Level
Organizing a One-Name Study
According to the Guild of One-Name Studies, the aim of the study “is to research the genealogy and family history of all persons with a given surname and its linked variants.” This course will begin by examining the art of a one-name study and elaborating on the many different elements you should consider.
Organizing a One-Place Study
One-place studies are the study of the people in a community within the context of the place they live. Because a one-place study brings family and local history together, various analysis methods can be used to reconstruct the community and gain an insight into the lives of the people who have walked the streets, ploughed the fields, worked and worshipped in a place. This course will examine the sources of information available to researchers, how to access them (online and offline), and the fascinating details which can be uncovered.
Forensic Genealogy
This course is designed to help forensic researchers identify and contact living people. It will also take students through genealogical sources and documents, but with a focus on identifying living people.
Advanced Level
Genealogy Ethical Guidelines & Standards
Genealogists are faced with diverse ethical decisions in their research including black sheep ancestors, adoption, non-paternal events, and revealing family secrets. This course begins by looking at what is ethics in genealogy, the history of genealogical ethics, and continues by exploring ethical considerations when sharing your genealogy.
Genetics & Medical Family History
This course is designed to introduce the genealogist to a different way of seeing family tree research—as a source of genetic information. Upon completing this course, the student should be able to gather and evaluate basic genealogical sources, have some knowledge of what traits are and how they are inherited, and draw a simple medical pedigree to show a physician.
DNA: Special Circumstances – Adoptees & Unknown Parentage
This course explores how to use genealogy and genetics to uncover genealogical roots, connect with biological family, and better understand medical history. The emphasis is on adoptees and those helping adoptees with their DNA and genealogy.
DNA: Methodology and Analysis
This course covers advanced techniques associated with DNA methodology, analysis and strategies. Students should have a firm grasp of the understanding of autosomal, Y-chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA.
DNA: Reading & Understanding Articles for Genetic Genealogy
DNA is an everchanging field with new tools and discoveries being made rapidly. This course will present ways to better understand what you read about genetic genealogy and provide examples of various writings on the subject.
DNA: Historical Studies
Learning more about DNA as it relates to genealogical cases and non-genealogical cases helps to expand and enhance our DNA knowledge and provides insights as we solve research problems. Students are encouraged to explore these cases presented in this course further by seeking out scientific journals and popular media articles.
Combination Certificates
Alternatively, you can use the DNA and Genetic Genealogy courses to complete TWO certificates for the cost of one. Your customized combo certificate could include the DNA courses as electives along with the compulsory courses for the Professional Development Certificate or our country-themed certificates.
DNA and American Certificate – 40 Courses
DNA and Australian Certificate – 40 Courses
DNA and Canadian Certificate – 41 Courses
DNA and Eastern European Certificate – 40 Courses
DNA and English Certificate – 40 Courses
DNA and German Certificate – 40 Courses
DNA and Irish Certificate – 40 Courses
DNA and Professional Development Certificate – 41 Courses
Build your DNA and Genetic Genealogical research skills with these essential courses is for both serious family historians and professional researchers. We can assist you in building your genealogical education plan for your future DNA Research Projects. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your options to successfully reach your research goals.
The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses cover specific countries, enhance methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose.
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Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165
Email: admin@GenealogicalStudies.com
Website: www.GenealogicalStudies.com
Blog: blog.GenealogicalStudies.com