As we continue our A-Z posts for the month of April, where we are highlighting some of the 225+ genealogy and research courses offered at The International Institute of Genealogical Studies, we would like to focus on our DNA-related courses. These courses go beyond which tests to take, or comparing ethnicity percentages, to discover how to use your DNA test results for deeper genealogical research analysis.
D is for DNA
The use of DNA results, in combination with genealogical documentation, has expanded the field of genealogy research with many more options to explore. The International Institute of Genealogical Studies has developed a certificate program to assist you in understanding a variety of topics related to both DNA and genealogy. We are pleased to offer the following courses and certificate, both for those new to DNA research and to genealogists who are looking to build their DNA expertise.
DNA Courses
DNA: Autosomal DNA – Testing for Everyone
DNA: Introduction to Genetic Genealogy
DNA: Tracing Maternal & Paternal Lines
DNA: Methodology and Analysis
DNA: Reading & Understanding Articles for Genetic Genealogy
DNA: Special Circumstances – Adoptees & Unknown Parentage
DNA: Historical Studies
Forensic Genealogy
Genealogy Ethical Guidelines & Standards
Genetics & Medical Family History
Organizing a One-Name Study
Organizing a One-Place Study
The DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate includes our 12 DNA courses as well as three methodology courses.
DNA Packages
The DNA courses above can be taken individually, or combined in a variety of packages.
DNA and Genetic Genealogy – Basic Level – 3 Courses
DNA and Genetic Genealogy – Intermediate Level – 3 Courses
DNA and Genetic Genealogy – Advanced Level – 6 Courses
You can customize your own package of courses. This is especially helpful if you have already completed some of the DNA courses. Register for the balance of the courses needed to complete your desired certificate.
Research A-Z
Historical and genealogically-related records are important for building our ancestors’ life stories, however, DNA adds another layer of analysis and can confirm our research. For family historians, DNA test results may identify lost cousins, or solve long-time genealogy brick walls. For professional genealogists, the use of DNA research continues to grow, and expertise in the field of DNA will surely be a beneficial asset to add to the services you are able to offer to your clients. Let us know how we can fulfill your DNA online educational needs.
The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses cover specific countries, enhance methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose.
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1 (800) 580-0165
Blog: blog.GenealogicalStudies.comLEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION since 1997