International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

RootsTech 2022 Day 3

RootsTech2022 – Can you believe that Day 3 is here already? So much information in such a short time! Now is the time to add Sessions of interest to your Playlist to watch later. It doesn’t end today!! 

RootsTech 2022 – Have you built your playlist?

Are you overwhelmed by the volume of recordings available? Linda Debe, The Sleepless Genealogist, is one of our students, and also was one of the presenters at RootsTech 2022. Her session was Abstracts, Extracts, and Transcriptions, OH MY! The syllabus can be downloaded and the recording is available to be added to your Playlist

A resource to bookmark: Linda has created an excel spreadsheet of 2022 sessions, PLUS sessions from 2021 (Note: some 2021 session recordings may have been removed or updated). Her RootsTech List of Presentations file is available for download on her website under the free stuff tab. She will continue to update this file. Another valuable resource on her website is her Geniebugs Calendar of Events.

Virtual EXPO HALL 
Most videos and downloads will remain on the RootsTech website; however, check the expiration dates for RootsTech 2022 conference specials.

If you have not visited our Virtual EXPO HALL Booth, we invite you to check it out. You will find a video with an overview of The Institute and our programs. In the downloads, you will find more information about courses and certificates. Need more details? Call the office, or use the blue “Message us” button in the lower right corner of our website.

Don’t Miss our RootsTech 2022 Discounts 

We are offering time limited discounts at our RootsTech booth

The International Institute of Genealogical Studies has offered RootsTech 2022 conference discounts, BUT All Discount Codes will expire on Monday, March 7, 2022. ANYONE, whether you attended the RootsTech 2022 conference or not, can register for these courses using the corresponding discount codes. Claim your discounts before they are gone!

The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses covers specific countries, enhances methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose. 

Follow us on Social Media: BlogFacebookTwitter, PinterestYouTube
*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but not 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly. 

Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165
Blog: blog.GenealogicalStudies.comLEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION since 1997

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