International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

Let’s Talk US Religious Records!

Headset Computer Key by Stuart Miles/ Image courtesy of

Headset Computer Key by Stuart Miles/ Image courtesy of

Think you may want to take the US: Religious Records – Parts 1 and 2 courses, but not sure what to expect? Join Gena Philibert-Ortega and Shannon Bennett for a special student discussion on Tuesday, February 17th at 1:00 PM EST. You will have the opportunity to ask Shannon Bennett about her experience with these two courses.

Time zones: Tuesday, February 17th – 1:00 PM Eastern; noon Central; 10:00 AM Pacific; 6:00 PM in London, England; Wednesday, February 18th – 5:00 AM in Sydney, Australia

(NOTE: No user name or password required. Please type in your first and last name; then click “Enter as a Guest”.)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Written by professional genealogists Kyle Betit & Beverly Whitaker, Part 1 of this course focuses on religions which had a significant presence in the developing new land in America, prior to 1800. While the basic tenants of various religions, particularly Protestantism and Catholicism were being debated in Europe prior to 1800, it is the culture and beliefs of the immigrants who settled in America which is of interest to us. A greater understanding of these developments will greatly assist any search for genealogical sources and resources of information.

In Part 2 we discuss American religions which had a start in the United States primarily after 1800, including such groups as the Orthodox, Eastern-rite Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Muslims, groups of the Restoration Movement, and others. The course will explore types of religious records available, how to use them, and where they can be accessed. History of the religious groups as it is relevant to their records is included.

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