Often in genealogical research we concentrate on researching those who lived in much earlier times. However, documenting the lives of our more recent ancestors is equally important.
2014 marks the 70th Anniversary of World War II’s D-Day. In honor of this anniversary, The National Institute for Genealogical Studies is proud to announce the latest course by author and World War II researcher Jennifer Holik, Research: American World War II Ancestors – Part 1 .
Part 1 of this course begins with what led to the start of World War II, how the U.S. became involved and the military records available. Contrary to popular belief, they did not all burn in the 1973 fire! This course will move from military records for the Navy, Coast Guard and Marines to civilian jobs including the USO, Merchant Marines and others. You will learn how to research the service of your military ancestors through numerous sources. Through this research you can then write the story of your ancestor’s life. Continue your journey into World War II military records in The National Institute for Genealogical Studies course, Research: American World War II Ancestors – Part 2 course coming soon.
In Research: American World War II Ancestors – Part 1, author Jennifer Holik takes family historians from research to the actual telling of their ancestor’s story. She shares, “researching the lives and writing the stories of my World War II ancestors has become a passion the last two years. Personally, most of my World War II ancestors died in battle and were unable to tell their own stories. That job was left to me. Teaching through my military lectures, my book Stories of the Lost and soon to be released, The Tiger’s Widow, and writing this course, allows me to share the knowledge of conducting World War II research moving beyond the records. There are many incredible stories to find and tell. Will you be the one in your family to research and write those stories?”
“This course provides a mixture of social history and research methodology to help tell the story of your ancestor, no matter what they did during the war. This is a valuable addition to The National Institute for Genealogical Studies course offerings,” remarked Louise St Denis, Managing Director.
This exciting course begins June 2, 2014. Until June 3rd take 25% off this course when you enter Promotion Coupon USWW2.
Hurry! This offer ends soon.