Going to RootsTech? So are we! Come meet us in the Expo Hall, Booth #825. We are offering discounts on individual courses (50% off one course) and course packages (10% off). Now is the time to sign up for that course that will help you research your family history.

National Institute instructor Jean Wilcox Hibben and National Institute director Beverly Rice at RootsTech 2013.
Need some ideas about what to take? How about our new German course or a Methodology course to get you started? Need some help with transcribing or abstracting? We have a course for that. Is your dream to make a career out of genealogy? We are adding to our Professional Development Certificate every month. Check out courses such as Lecturing Skills Including Preparation.
Whatever you choose, now’s the time to take advantage of the savings.
Not going to RootsTech? That’s ok, we are offering these discounts to everyone. Just call us at 1-800-580-0165. Offer ends this Sunday.