The National Institute for Genealogical Studies course, Lecturing Skills Including Preparation, teaches the skills needed to present genealogically related lectures. It is a “hands on” course where the student presents a lecture via our Virtual Learning Room. We invite everyone to participate . These are 30-minute lectures, followed by a 10-minute Question & Answer period and a short poll to provide the student with feedback on their skills.
Please join us on Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 7:00 pm EST for a presentation by Kathryn Lake Hogan entitled Free at Last! Researching African-Americans in Canada during Slavery.
Follow the stories of two African American families and discover methods and records for researching your enslaved and freed ancestors during the era of slavery.
Kathryn Lake Hogan is a professional genealogist, author and educator. Her webinars and presentations featuring Canadian family history topics appeal to family historians world-wide.
MEETING LOCATION: Virtual Meeting Room
(NOTE: No user name or password required. Please type in your first and last name; then click “Enter as a Guest”.)
We would like to thank Diana Crisman Smith of the Genealogical Speakers Guild for being actively involved in our student presentations. Learn more about the Genealogical Speakers Guild at