Research your Italian Ancestors with confidence!
We have six courses ready for you to take in our Italian Records Certificate program, with several more in the planning and writing stage. These courses can be used as a beginning to the certificate or as electives while you are working on a different certificate such as Methodology.
Begin your ancestral journey by learning how to research your family while outside of Italy. You’ll learn about the different political and religious jurisdictions while looking at various ways to pin down your family’s town of origin.
Understanding the different languages used in documents is addressed. You will learn how to read the handwriting as well as how to translate and understand basic Italian words.
You will also be looking at both civil registration records as well as Catholic Church records. The emphasis of these courses will be the different types of records you will be able to access, how to understand them, and what information you can expect to find.
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Your Italian Ancestors are waiting!
International Institute of Genealogical Studies
Research With Confidence – Study at Your Own Pace

Your career as a Professional Genealogist is a click away! The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers many certificate programs to get you on your way!
The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 250 courses. Our wide range of courses covers specific countries, enhances methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose.
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1 (800) 580-0165
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