International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

WWll Ancestors

Do You Have Ancestors who Served in WWll?

World War ll has been widely documented in books, movies, television series, and documentaries.  These two courses will take you through the history of the U.S. entering the war, military research including records, logbooks and correspondence, and the roles women played both in military service and on the home front.

What You Will Learn:

Part 1 will take you through the four theaters of war the U.S. fought in, strategies for military research, and records created in the field and on the organizational level. Draft registrations, how and why ‘Dog Tags’ and serial numbers were created and used, and what information was kept in a soldier’s service record is explored.

Also discussed are death records, service organizations such as the Red Cross, and the Navy, Merchant Marines and Coast Guard records, along with P.O.W. camps, and the importance of rationing and ration cards, 

Part 2 concentrates on the many roles women played in the war. These include activities on the home front such as organizing entertainment, victory gardens, entering the workforce, and the difficulties faced from sending their loved ones off to war and when they returned home. 

Women’s service in the military is explored, as well. Women volunteered and entered several military branches, over 4000 became spies for the government, they became nurses on the war front, and were involved with the Coast Guard and Marines.

Both courses include bibliographies and a comprehensive list of websites to assist with your research.

These are elective courses, they can be added to a certificate program or taken for personal interest.

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Research: U.S. World War ll Ancestors – Part 1

Research U.S. World War ll Ancestors – Part 2

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