Our students are enthusiastic about our online genealogical courses. However, many new students are unsure of where to begin. Which courses should they take first? Just as in planning to build a house, your genealogy education plan must begin with the foundation. Whether you are just beginning to research your family history, or you are an experienced researcher, it is recommended for all students to begin with understanding the methodology guidelines and standards used in all genealogy research. This is accomplished through our Methodology Certificate.
If you are considering any certificate, these are the first courses to work on as the Methodology Certificate courses are COMPULSORY for all of our Certificate Programs. To find out more about our Methodology Certificate and the suggested course order, check out our blog post.
For our Canadian Certificate in Genealogical Studies, you must successfully complete 40 courses, which includes the 14 required courses of the Methodology Certificate, 16 compulsory Canadian courses, and 10 elective courses of your choice. The Canadian courses include 4 compulsory courses at the Basic Level, 5 compulsory courses at the Intermediate Level, and 7 compulsory courses at the Advanced Level.
Canadian Certificate Package = 40 courses
Basic Level
Canadian: Census Records-Part 1
This course will instruct the student in how to access Canadian census records and how to analyze the information provided.
Canadian: Vital Statistics Records-Part 1
This course will concentrate on the Vital Statistics gathered by the provincial governments and the various churches. A short lesson in the history and geography of each province is included.
Canadian: Wills and Estate Records-Part 1
Whether the deceased was testate or intestate, this course will show where to search for wills and estates keeping in mind the historical era and the geographical location in Canada, showing what kind of genealogical information you will find.
Canadian: Land Records-Part 1
This course provides an overview of both early Crown land records and private property registrations in Canada.
Intermediate Level
Canadian: Census Records-Part 2
This course will build on the basic skills developed in Part 1, with emphasis on interpreting the information found in census records, analyzing the information and formulating a research plan to prove or disprove the hypothesis formed in your analysis.
Canadian: Vital Statistics Records-Part 2
Part 2 will continue to describe available records at Government Archives, Offices and Court Houses, as well as present day registrations for Birth, Marriages and Deaths; Adoption Records from Government Offices and Divorce Records from both.
Canadian: Religious Records
This course will cover where to look for registers and other religious records in Canada, what type of data you should expect to find, and how to evaluate what you have found. This information can also provide stories that can be added to the family history.
Canadian: Wills and Estate Records-Part 2
This course will reinforce a variety of sources which should not be overlooked when researching for wills and estate records. Exploring several case studies will give opportunity to examine the documents and become accustom to their wording, their look, their feel, and, most importantly, the wealth of information they hold.
Canadian: Land Records-Part 2
When land was “granted” from the Crown to individuals or companies specific records were created to document the change in ownership. Groups such as Military Grants, Township Papers, the Canada Company Papers, the Peter Robinson Papers, Correspondence to the Surveyor General and Commissions as well as various other land companies are reviewed with the goal of determining where these records are today and how they may be of benefit to a genealogist.
Advanced Level
Canadian: Geography and Maps
Genealogy, geography and maps are inextricably entwined, particularly in a country like Canada. The primary text for this course, an outstanding book on this subject, authored by Althea Douglas, Genealogy, Geography, and Maps: Using Atlases and Gazetteers to Find Your Family (Ontario Genealogical Society: Toronto, 2006).
Canadian: Archival Centres
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to using archives in genealogical research, to examine the kinds of records which you will encounter, and to see what kinds of archives there are in Canada which can provide venues for genealogical researchers.
Canadian: Immigration Records
The course will emphasize the “push-pull” principle underlying two centuries of population growth, including significant emigrant groups, travel routes, government policies, sponsored and assisted settlement plans, ports of arrival, ships” passenger lists, North American border crossings, naturalization and citizenship.
Canadian: Newspaper Records
Newspapers are an important source of genealogical information, not only hard date and place information, but also background material which will add to the interest of your family history.
Canadian: Military Records
Military records constitute a major source of genealogical material in Canada. Emphasis will be on the correlation between personnel records, land transactions and nominal roles from the period of New France to the Korean Conflict.
Canadian: Migration Patterns
This course provides an extensive overview of migration in Canada. In the study of migration, it is vital it remember that while we speak in general of peoples, each individual has a story, waiting to be explored.
Canadian: Local History & Special Collections
This course is designed to go beyond the basic genealogical sources by introducing students to other collections that could enhance their research. Emphasis will be on the variety of sources held at Library and Archives Canada, company and professional archives, and local archives.
We offer several additional Canadian-themed courses, or courses relevant to Canadian research, which could be chosen to fulfill the elective portion of the Canadian Certificate. These courses can be added to your certificate package, and will supplement your genealogical knowledge for your specific area or family history topic. You are sure to find several relevant courses to build your research skills.
Combination Certificates
Alternatively, you can use courses from other certificates as your electives and complete TWO certificates for the cost of one. Your customized certificate could include the compulsory Canadian Records, plus the compulsory courses from any other topic or country-themed certificate. Both include the Methodology Certificate courses as they form the basis for all of our Professional Learning Certificates.
Canadian Records and DNA Certificate
Canadian Records and Librarianship Certificate
Canadian Records and Professional Development Certificate
Building your genealogical research skills with these essential courses is for both serious family historians and professional researchers. We can assist you in building your genealogical education plan for your future research projects. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your options to successfully reach your research goals.
The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses cover specific countries, enhance methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose.
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1 (800) 580-0165
Email: admin@GenealogicalStudies.com
Website: www.GenealogicalStudies.com
Blog: blog.GenealogicalStudies.com
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