International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

Virtual Meetings August 2022

We’ve got some great Virtual Meetings coming up in the month of August. We have a Lecturing Skills student presenting later in the month, as well as Daniel Horowitz of MyHeritage joining us in the Student Lounge to talk about DNA Matching Technology on MyHeritage. Hope you can join us!

Enhance your education and attend virtual meetings! Each month, The International Institute for Genealogical Studies hosts several virtual meetings, giving the students the ability to ask questions about the courses or research they are working on. Join a session applicable to your area of study or research to find answers. We can all learn from each other! 

Virtual Meetings are a fun and interactive way to connect with an instructor and fellow students. They are NOT mandatory.

Join us for our Instructor Led Virtual Meetings this month

IMPORTANT: We have changed the platform for our virtual meetings. We are now using Zoom for all of our sessions. Please note the NEW URLs for this month’s sessions as outlined below. 

Australian Records courses with Kerry Farmer 
Friday, August 12th at 8 PM Eastern  

Analysis & Skills Mentoring Program-Part 3 – ARTICLE REVIEW with Brenda Wheeler
Please follow the directions in your course material and read the article. 
Sunday, August 14th at 7:30 PM Eastern 

United Kingdom (English, Irish, & Scottish) Records courses with Brenda Wheeler 
Monday, August 15th at 5 PM Eastern 

Analysis & Skills Mentoring Program – GENERAL DISCUSSION with Gena Philibert-Ortega 
The instructor will be available to provide guidance and answer questions regarding any aspect of these courses. 
Wednesday, August 17th at 7 PM Eastern 

American Records courses with Gena Philibert-Ortega 
Wednesday, August 17th at 8:30 PM Eastern 

Canadian Records courses with Cheryl Levy 
Thursday, August 18th at 4 PM Eastern 

Internet Tools with Cheryl Levy 
Thursday, August 18th at 6 PM Eastern 

We will have a small presentation from guest speaker Daniel Horowitz of MyHeritage. Daniel will show you how you can leverage the MyHeritage DNA test for your genealogy research. Afterwards, you can chat with your fellow students. 
Saturday, August 20th at 11:30 AM Eastern 

DNA & Genetic Genealogy courses with Shannon Combs-Bennett 
Tuesday, August 23rd at 10 AM Eastern 

Lecturing Skills – Student Presentation with Kathy Holland 
“Leave No Clue Unresearched” 
Description: Lacey will show why to ensure every clue is explored. He will discuss researching a family and how one clue opened up several more generations and family members in another country.
Presenter: Lacey King has been involved in 4-H as a Genealogy project leader and as the Program Director for the South Bend Area Genealogical Society. 
Thursday, August 25th at 8 PM Eastern 

Methodology courses with Gena Philibert-Ortega 
Monday, August 29th at 7:30 PM Eastern 

Send questions regarding Virtual Meetings or the schedule to:

Sue de Groot, PLCGS 
National Institute for Genealogical Studies 

Category: Announcements

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