International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

Course Date Changes

We hear you! Announcement for Course Date Changes 

Planning for 2023, and being aware of the difficulty opening and closing dates of courses can cause when they open and/or close on a holiday or holiday weekend, we are listening to our student feedback. Thank you for letting us know that we could improve your student experience by avoiding course start and end dates on a holiday or holiday weekend. 

Your feedback is important to us!

Though we cannot avoid every single special day of the year for every single country (there just aren’t enough days in the year!), we are able to adjust for most of them. If you have noticed a date change on the first day or last day of your course, it is because we listened to you, our students, and moved the dates to lessen your stress.

We are changing the start dates of our courses

We hope this raises your enjoyment of taking courses at the National Institute for Genealogical Studies AND we are hopeful it will lower your stress in completing your exams and courses into the future. We love our student genealogists! 

Angela Breidenbach, PLCGS
Executive Director
National Institute for Genealogical Studies
800.580.0165 x 1 

The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses cover specific countries, enhance methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose. 

Follow us on Social Media: BlogFacebookTwitter, PinterestYouTube
*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but not 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly. 

Contact information:
1 (800) 580-0165


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