International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

Research A-Z ~ Young Gen

For the month of April, we have highlighted some of the 225+ genealogy and research courses offered at The International Institute for Genealogical Studies. There are a variety of themes and topics to choose from. Hopefully, we will feature some courses that you were not aware of and pique your interest to explore further.

Genealogical Research from A to Z

Y is for YOUNG GEN

There was a time when it was thought that genealogy was only interesting to seniors! This is truly a myth. Family History is appealing to researchers of ALL ages. The younger they are when they begin, the more likely they will have opportunity to interview grandparents and great-grandparents, as well as many elderly extended family members. It is especially important to start asking them personal questions while their memories are sharp. Too many family historians have regrets – missing the opportunity to ask about their childhood memories, or intimate details about family experiences connected to historical events, because they were never written down. So many pioneer or immigrant ancestor stories were not passed down through the generations. 

There are always young people who are interested, the ones who want to hear the stories, and love to browse through the old vintage photo albums. They will remember, because they love the stories that have taken root in their imaginations. They will quickly blossom under the mentorship of more experienced researchers – they just need direction and encouragement. The Young Genealogists are extremely valuable to the genealogy community. They bring fresh ideas and genuine enthusiasm. They can see how to use modern technology to organize and display those Heritage stories in exciting new ways. They just need a place to participate, and we must take the time to make opportunities to share with them and pass it on.

The following Courses may help you to discover ways to share your passion for family history with the Younger Generation, and it includes topics that may appeal to enthusiastic Young Genealogists to explore:

Business Skills: Career Development: Choosing a Niche – Part 1
Business Skills: Career Development: Choosing a Niche – Part 2

Connecting Family: Online and Virtually 
Creating Genealogy Programs for Adults & the Younger Generation 
Demystifying Culture & Folklore 
Discover Your Family History 
Electronic Resources: Using the Internet 
Forensic Genealogy  
Google for the Wise Genealogist  
Life of Our Ancestors
Methodology – Part 1: Getting Started 
Methodology – Part 2: Organizing and Skill-Building 
Personal Historian 
Photography: Clues Pictures Hold, Editing, Digitizing and Various Projects 
Planning a Fabulous Family Reunion 
Preserve Your Family History Documents & Heirlooms 
Producing Your Family Video 
Research: FamilySearch Resources – In Person and Online 
Research: Grandmothers, Mothers & Daughters-Tracing Women 
Research: House & Farm Histories 
Research: Social History 
Research: The National Archives of England
Research: U.S. 20th Century Records, Including Adoption Records 
Research: U.S. Records Using Ancestry including DNA Strategies 
Social Media Tools for the Wise Genealogist 
Writing Your Family History Book

You can customize your own package of courses. This is especially helpful if you have already completed some of the courses above. Register for the balance of the courses needed to complete your desired genealogy theme.

The future of Genealogy lies with our younger generation

Research A-Z 

The future of our genealogy communities lies with the younger generation, to preserve the research gathered by this generation and pass it on. They need to understand the value of the work we have done in order to appreciate the significance of discovered family history and the stories that bring it alive. Invest in the young family historians and the future genealogists. The next generation will be glad you did!

The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses cover specific countries, enhance methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose. 

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*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but not 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly. 

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1 (800) 580-0165


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