International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

Research A-Z ~ Archives

For the rest of the month of April, we will highlight some of the 225+ genealogy and research courses offered at The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. There are a variety of themes and topics to choose from. Hopefully, we will feature some courses that you were not aware of and pique your interest to explore further.

Genealogical Research from A to Z


Definition: 1. a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people. 2. place or store (something) in an archive.

Archives, both online and onsite, are treasure houses for genealogists and family historians. There are archives for every topic that you can think of. Small and large, they gather, catalogue, and preserve our history. It is imperative to identify where they are located and which collections they have accumulated. They can be found wherever collections are gathered, which includes local and international locations, and digital or physical resources. Archives can be National, State, Provincial, County, District, Regional, Municipal, Institutional, or Thematic. They may have their own building facilities, or be housed in a Library or Museum. They could be totally online with a catalogue featuring digital resources ( Internet Archive), or be a combination like FamilySearch and their Family History Library in Salt Lake City. Using resources like ArchiveGrid could locate many archives that you were unaware even existed.

Several courses at The International Institute of Genealogical Studies include modules highlighting the use of archives for genealogical research. Here are just a few: 

Australian: Local History and Regional Sources
Canadian: Archival Centres
Canadian: Local History & Special Collections
Eastern European: Record Repositories
Electronic Resources: Using the Internet
German: Record Repositories
Irish: Archival Repositories
Italian: Civil Registration Records-Part 2
Research: The National Archives of England

Be sure to include a list of the Archives you discovered in your Locality Research Guide for the area where you are researching. Search their online catalogues to make a list of records pertinent to your research projects. Plan a research trip to review those records and to explore their unique collections. You are sure to find treasures waiting to be discovered that you can add to your family history.

Exploring archives may help you find the answers to your research questions

Research A-Z 

In reality, the list of research topics is endless. You never know where your search will lead. Researching each project will have similarities and differences. Knowing where to seek out new resources is invaluable. Glean all you can from every source to build your Research Toolbox.

The International Institute of Genealogical Studies offers quality online education with over 240 courses. Our wide range of courses cover specific countries, enhance methodology research, build skills to maximize your research time, and all count toward the certification you choose. 

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*Note: Please be aware our social media accounts are monitored regularly, but not 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly. 

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