International Institute of Genealogical Studies


International Institute of Genealogical Studies - LEADERS IN ONLINE GENEALOGY EDUCATION

Libraries, Repositories and Archives. OH MY! – Student Lecture

The National Institute for Genealogical Studies course, Lecturing Skills Including Preparation, teaches the skills needed to present genealogical-related lectures. It is a “hands on” course where the student presents a lecture via our Virtual Learning Room. We invite you to participate and hear our current students. These are 30-minute lectures, followed by a 10-minute Question & Answer period and a short poll to provide the student with feedback on their skills. Please come and support our students!

Student Lecture: Libraries, Repositories and Archives. OH MY! presented by Lynne Jakobowski
Sunday, March 15th – 2:00 PM Eastern; 1:00 PM Central; 11:00 AM Pacific; 6:00 PM in London, England;
Monday, March 16th – 5:00 AM in Sydney, Australia
MEETING LOCATION (Note: “Enter as a Guest”): 

Presentation Description: Hitting a brick wall? Have you never researched in an archive before and are scared to begin? An archive may be your solution. Learn how to plan your first visit, and how to elevate your results.

Presenter: Lynne Jakobowski is a genealogical researcher with an interest in house and farm histories as they relate to the genealogy world.

More information about the Lecturing Skills Including Preparation Course here: 

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