Shannon Bennett, Student
Another Methodology course done, another four to go! Whew, I will make it because you will cheer me on right? This one was, once again, packed full of information to help a researcher build a good foundation for their genealogical research. I know the information taught here will help me and others who take the class be better in their genealogical endeavors.
The theme of organization was carried on throughout the course. We were shown new forms we could use, ways to organize our finds, our time, and our office. All things that I know many genealogists struggle with from time to time. Just know that you are not alone in that, but maybe these ideas will help you with it. I know I picked up a few new tips!
I particularly found the words of encouragement from the summary section helpful. In it the instructor walks us through how to stay focused, organized, and on task. I don’t know about you, but I struggle with the “oh shiny” problem from time to time. Remembering to stay focused and not go down rabbit holes was always a struggle for me. Using the tips and tricks learned here I am sure I will be able to focus better in the future.
Once again I discovered new information in the research skills section. While I am pretty confident in my research abilities I found myself nodding along with the list and mumbling to myself “I never thought of it that way before!” Again, no one should ever scoff at basic level lectures, programs, or classes. You never know when inspiration will strike or if someone will present something in a way that just clicks with you.
Hopefully you will join me at the chat I will be doing where you can hear more about my thoughts on these first two methodology courses. Join me on April 17th at 11:00am (EST).
See you online!